Occupational Therapy Program - School of Medicine
MSC09 5240
Health Sciences & Servs Bldg Rm 140
(505) 272-3583 (Fax)
Janet Poole, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Associate Professor
Suzanne Burns, PhD, OTR/L
Associate Professor
Patricia Siegel, OTD, OTR/L, CHT
Assistant Professor
Timothy Dionne, PhD, OTR/L
Assistant Professor
Audi Santos, MOT, OTD, OTR/L
Principal Lecturer II
Heidi Sanders, PhD, OTR/L
Academic Fieldwork Coordinator/Lecturer II
Geneva Nolan, MOT, OTR/L
Lecturer II
Mary Thelander-Hill, MOT, OTR/L, ATP
Lecturer II
Jessica Salazar, MSW, MOT, OTR/L
Student Success Specialist, Sr
Sara Padilla
Unit Administrator 1
Elvine Bologa
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