Search Tips

The online directory contains UNM faculty, staff and students.

Department listing options

Use the directory to view organization listings

  1. Leave Name field blank.
  2. In the Search by pop up list, select Organization.
  3. Type the name of the Organization in the field to the right.
    1. Limit the search by clicking the button for Faculty/Staff (or Students, or All UNM to include both).
  4. Click Search.

The results will display in alphabetical order by last name. To view detailed information for a person, click on the name (in red).

For example, to view the Faculty/Staff listings for Information Technology Services, leave the name field blank, in the Search by pop-up list, select Organization, and in the text field to the right, type ITS. Click Search and the search will return 163 results.

Alternatively, to find more general Organizational/Departmental information, under Departmental Listings, click either Main Campus or Health Sciences and an alphabetical Departmental list will appear. Find the department and click on the name for its Web page or the phone icon for a variety of information (albeit inconsistent) including: location, main phone, fax number, mail stop code, director or chair and administrative assistant.

  1. Type the person's name you're looking for in the Name field.
  2. Make no selection in the Search by pop up list.
  3. Leave the field to the right of the pop up list blank.
    1. Limit the search by clicking the button for Faculty/Staff (or Students, or All UNM to include both).
  4. Click Search.

If you are looking for an individual, you can search like you would with a phone directory, by name. Search by last name, first name, first and last name, with or without middle name or initial.

  • Smith
  • John
  • John Smith
  • John A Smith

Note that special characters such as * and " are not allowed in search queries.

Remember the first option to limit your search is to select All UNM, Faculty/Staff or Students.

These search strategies can also be used to find individuals within departments; if you know an individual’s first or last name and the department, you can narrow the search, thereby limiting the number of returned results.

More options to Limit, Refine, or simply Search by, select one of the following in the pop-up list and define it further in the text field (you can search with these options with or without a name combination) and limit with All UNM, Faculty/Staff or Students:

  • Title and type the title, e.g., chair
  • Organization and type organization/department name, e.g., ITS
  • Org Code and type the organization code
  • Email and type the email address
  • NetID and type the NetID
  • Work Phone and type the work telephone number, you can type either 7**** or 277****

A NetID search will return all NetIDs that start with the characters you typed for the search, an email search will return all email addresses containing the characters you typed for the search.

Search Errors

No matches to your query

A “No matches to your query” result my be returned for the following reason:

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a student has the right to have his or her “directory” information withheld from publication. THEREFORE NO INFORMATION APPEARS IN THIS DIRECTORY FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE REQUESTED THAT THEIR INFORMATION BE WITHHELD.

Search returned too many results

The UNM Online Directory Search limits the number of results for those who are accessing the page from outside the domain.